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Petri Dishes with Experiment

VETS GRANT private scholarship program was launched by ALTIUS in 2020 with the aim of supporting veterinarians who wish to become specialists by pursuing a residency within the EBVS (European Board of Veterinary Specialization) or the American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABVS). They can choose any of the 27 areas of interest.

A maximum of 5 scholarships will be available through VETS Grants program, based on a competitive application process. The maximum value of the scholarships awarded is 25,000 euros for the year 2025.
Petri Dishes with Experiment
Veterinarians who cumulatively meet the following conditions are eligible to apply for the VETS Grants scholarship competition:
  • They have Romanian citizenship and permanent residence in Romania

  • Have worked in the past 2 years in veterinary practice or veterinary academia

  • They are graduates of long-term university studies with a bachelor's degree

  • Have been accepted by an institution accredited to run residency programs and have its written consent to carry out the residency in one of the fields recognized by EBVS or ABVS

  • Have been accepted by the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS) or the American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABVS)

Registration for the competition will take place between February 1, 2025 - April 27, 2025.

In order to register for the program, interested veterinarians who meet the eligibility conditions must submit the registration file by April 27, 2025. The file can be submitted either in person at the ALTIUS headquarters (One Tower, Calea Floreasca 165, Bucharest 014459), or by courier, or by e-mail to .

Curriculum vitae containing the scholarship applicant's contact details, significant activities and results (competitions, olympiads, participation in internships or practical training, national or international competitions, experience exchanges, volunteer activities, scholarships won);


Letter of recommendation from the specialist under whose guidance the intern is conducting their internship;


Attestation or certificate of knowledge of a foreign language of international circulation;


A recent photo;


Document regarding the candidate's acceptance by an accredited institution to conduct residency programs in one of the fields recognised by EBVS;


Certified copies of academic documents (bachelor's diplomas, advanced studies, master's, doctorate);


Study project justifying in 2-3 pages the activity during the internship for which the scholarship is requested, as well as its applicability and inclusion in the residency program (motivation, justification, objectives, method of dissemination of acquired knowledge, inclusion and validation in the residency program);


List of works/books published as sole author or co-author;


Affidavit, authenticated at a public notary office, in original, specifying whether the scholar is funded for the residency program by other institutions (a candidate who is not funded by another institution is given an advantage over a candidate who is already funded in 2025, partially or fully, by another institution);


Information note on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data which can be downloaded here


A short presentation video in which the candidate argues the reasons why he/she considers himself/herself suitable to obtain this scholarship.


An application review committee, consisting of people appointed by the organiser, will be established to review applications for the program. Applications will be reviewed between April 28 and May 9, 2025 .


The results of the competition will be announced on May 10, 2025 during the VETS Conference event and will be published on the websites and and on the ALTIUS Facebook page .

Image by Braňo
Winners 2024
Find out from past winners what VETS Grants meant to them
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1. Alexandra Suciu

Alexandra Suciu graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca in 2017. In 2022, she was accepted as a resident physician at the Dick White Referrals veterinary hospital in Cambridgeshire, UK.

Residency field: Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care

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2. Andrei Ungur

Andrei Ungur graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca in 2018, then continued his studies with a doctorate completed in 2022. In the same year, he was accepted as a resident physician at the University of Veterinary Medicine of Vienna (VetMedUni), Austria.

Residency field: Swine Health Management

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3. Adina Mihaela Pirvu

Adina Mihaela Pîrvu graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest in 2020. In 2022, she was accepted into a residency program at the European College of Veterinary Pathology (ECVP) at the University of Milan, Italy.

Residency field: Veterinary Pathology

4. Claudius Gal

Claudiu Gal graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest in 2014. In 2022, he was accepted into a residency program offered by the European College of Veterinary Pathology (ECVP) of the University of Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca.

Residency field: Veterinary Pathology

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